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Level(s) Calculator


Level(s) Calculator

Editorial Team

For those already using Level(s), the Calculation and Assessment Tool (CAT) makes it easier to complete your sustainability performance assessments.


The Calculation and Assessment Tool (CAT) for Level(s) can support you during different phases of building design, construction and maintenance or de-construction.


You can include as many projects as you want, and choose how many macro-objectives you want to cover and how many indicators you want to use. Following the philosophy of Level(s), you can also set the level of detail you want for each indicator.


Please be aware that if you have not used CAT for more than two years, you will have to sign up again to create your profile together with any other relevant information.


To access the eLearning and CAT you will need to to create a free EU Login account. If you do not already have an EU Login account, please find the instructions here.  


Original source here.

Date of release:
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