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BUILD UP Ambassadors: we are looking for you!
They are the core of BUILD UP, and the engine that expands the borders of our platform: we’re talking about our BUILD UP Ambassadors, high-ranking professionals that selflessly share their knowledge with our community and spread our values and mission at a national level. If you are tempted to become one of them, please read on for more details about this role, and check the requirements to join our ambassador team!


Lourdes Sanz
G20 is renovating buildings too slowly to meet climate targets
A new report published by Oxford-based sustainability consultancy 3Keel for global insulation manufacturer Kingspan assesses the current need for building retrofits, recent progress, and policy commitments in G20 countries and G7 economies. Less than 1% of existing buildings in the major economies are receiving the necessary upgrade, refurbishment or retrofit each year.
Pau Segui
The Future Envelope conference - early bird fee has been extended!
The Future Envelope conference aims at providing new points of view on the current state, upcoming challenges, and innovations in the field of the building envelope and facades. The early bird fee has been extended so take the opportunity to register! The full list of speakers and session presentations is also now available.
Editorial Team
Call for papers - CISBAT 2023, The Built Environment in Transition
Call for papers for the CISBAT 2023 in Lausanne (Switzerland) is now open! The conference will be in hybrid form and will take place from 13-15 September 2023. The three main topics for papers are: operation, well-being and circularity. Deadline for the submission is 15 January 2023!
Editorial Team
Identifying new and innovative strategies to reduce carbon emissions and waste in the construction sector
The current world is defined by technological innovation which has led to a population growth. Hence, there is a need for a sustainable transition towards circularity and circular construction. How can the industry engage stakeholders more to cooperate towards this goal?
Editorial Team
Registrations are open for The Future Envelope conference!
The Future Envelope conference aims at providing new points of view on the current state, upcoming challenges, and innovations in the field of the building envelope design, manufacturing, installation, operation, dismantling, EoL. Registrations are open and the booklet is online!
Editorial Team
5 building materials to avoid for Passive House design
There are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration when building a passive house, such as the orientation of the building, choosing efficient appliances and low-flow water fixtures. However, one of the more underrated ways is to avoid materials that readily lose their insulation and require significant energy resources to maintain.
Editorial Team