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Advancing REPowerEU in a HeatBeat: the Heat Pump Accelerator

Advancing REPowerEU in a HeatBeat: the Heat Pump Accelerator

Advancing REPowerEU in a HeatBeat: the Heat Pump Accelerator

27 September 2023
As an event dedicated to widening horizons, the Heat Pump Forum is a convention that ignites dynamic exchanges of visions, knowledge, and expertise, all with the goal of expanding the role of Heat Pump Technologies in our society within the context of RepowerEU.

Details of the conference

27 - 28 September 2023 13:00 - 18:30 CEST
European Heat Pump Association

The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) together with its members and partners is leading the change with an EU Heat Pump Accelerator, poised to transform the adoption of heat pumps across the continent.

The European Commission’s REPowerEU plan sets forth ambitious targets, calling for a doubling of newly installed heat pumps annually. EHPA estimates 20 million additional heat pumps by 2026 and 60 million by 2030, surpassing the current count of 17 million units. To achieve these goals, the European Commission is developing a Heat Pump Action Plan, scheduled for release by the end of 2023.

With the stage set for this game-changing Heat Pump Accelerator, EHPA and its members are committed to driving the heat pump revolution forward.

As the Heat Pump Action Plan and regulatory changes take shape, the future of heating and cooling shines brighter than ever!