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|Webinar| Auctions for energy efficiency and the experience of renewables

Webevent/virtual conference

|Webinar| Auctions for energy efficiency and the experience of renewables

Odyssee-Mure on Energy Efficiency Academy​ Webinar

"Auctions for energy efficiency and the experience of renewables"

15 feb. 2022 / 14.00H CTE

Auctions are an emerging market-based policy instrument to promote energy efficiency that has started to gain traction in the EU and worldwide.


This presentation provides an overview and comparison of several energy efficiency auctions and derives conclusions on the effects of design elements based on auction theory and on experiences of renewable energy auctions.


We include examples from energy efficiency auctions in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, and US.


This webinar is part of the Odyssee-Mure on Energy Efficiency Academy.


Recordings of past webinars can be viewed here.