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Can heat pumps take off in Britain?

United Kingdom

Can heat pumps take off in Britain?

The UK has the fewest number of heat pumps in Europe, whereas Norway or Sweden have the highest.
Editorial Team

The UK government is easing planning restrictions on listed buildings in England, aiming to boost energy efficiency by allowing the installation of heat pumps and solar panels. The move, part of broader net-zero efforts, impacts nearly 3 million properties. Heat pumps, efficient devices utilising air, ground, or water to generate heat or cool air, face slow adoption in the UK due to misconceptions, including doubts about effectiveness in cold climates. 

The new rules empower local councils to grant permission for green technologies in entire housing areas, relieving owners of historic homes from the tedious application process. The changes align with net-zero goals but may involve conditions like concealing the technology to preserve the buildings' aesthetics.

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Rebecca Ann Hughes
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Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling