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The potential of AI to improve energy efficiency

AI technology
European Countries,

The potential of AI to improve energy efficiency

All buildings can benefit from Artificial Intelligence which has an enormous potential to reduce energy consumption.
Editorial Team

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) to heating and ventilation technology offers a solution to the energy inefficiencies in buildings, which account for 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. AI analyses data from sensors, outdoor temperature, and energy use to optimise heating and ventilation, ensuring comfort while reducing energy consumption.

In a Swedish pilot project with 119 flats, AI-controlled heating led to a 20% reduction in energy consumption, contributing to a total energy savings of around 30%. The potential of AI extends to other energy-intensive sectors like smart grids and mobile networks, showcasing its versatility in energy optimisation.

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Vattenfall Media Relations
Smart Building technologies
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling