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Sustainable methods of building are pivotal in climate breakdown

A round 'hurricane resistant' house under construction in Mexico Beach - also built to more sustainable standards than usual.

Sustainable methods of building are pivotal in climate breakdown

How are architects taking on the challenge of sustainable construction through climate crisis?
Editorial Team

In the face of climate breakdown, the relationship between words like "insulate" and "isolate" takes on significance. While insulation is crucial for energy efficiency, combating extreme temperatures and volatile energy bills, the notion of homes as "isolated castles" is evolving. With the built environment responsible for 39% of global carbon emissions, sustainable methods become paramount.

Examples include an Austrian office using ancient techniques for temperature control without artificial systems, a Danish brick house with breathable walls, and the Passivhaus concept promoting ultra-low energy standards. The focus shifts to maximising efficiency while considering the embodied carbon of building materials, emphasising the importance of reusing existing structures in climate-friendly architecture.

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Lottie Limb
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Construction materials and circular construction
Energy Performance Certification and Energy Labelling