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Webinar: Boosting the Deployment of Smart Energy Services in Buildings: Challenges, Opportunities and Barriers

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Webinar: Boosting the Deployment of Smart Energy Services in Buildings: Challenges, Opportunities and Barriers

Editorial Team

On Thursday, February 08, BUILD UP hosted a webinar organised by the domOS project on ‘Boosting the Deployment of Smart Energy Services in Buildings: Challenges, Opportunities and Barriers’. During the event, smart building experts from the industry and domOS project partners shared their vision of smart buildings and answered questions from attendees.

Structured into three engaging sessions, the webinar featured prominent speakers from both within and beyond the domOS consortium. The first session, ‘Interoperability in smart buildings’, delved into the technical aspects of making existing buildings smarter. Frédéric Revaz from HES-SO explained the domOS approach, stating that ‘one of the core values of domOS is to offer an intermediary layer that offers two main capabilities: it takes into account the existing layers and appliances in the buildings, and it acts as a mediation layer, allowing uniform access to these appliances’. Following, Christoph Brönnimann from the SmartGrid ready association and Stéphane Rey from WAGO offered valuable insights into achieving interoperability and industrialising smart services.

The second session, ‘Buildings and the Electricity Grid’, explored the relationship between buildings and the evolving electricity grid. August Bech from Green Power Denmark, Olivier Genest from the BRIDGE initiative, and Matija Arh from INEA shared their perspectives on the role of intelligent buildings and leveraging building flexibility for grid services.

Technology for savings in energy efficiency

The final session, ‘Increasing energy efficiency through Smart Services’, focused on leveraging smart technologies to enhance energy efficiency. Felix Bünning from viboo kicked off the session, mentioning the advantage of technology in the energy efficiency of cooling and heating data ‘which allows to a 20-40% savings compared to analogues valves’. Following, Henrik Stærmose from NEOGRID Technologies, Christian Byrjalsen from Aalborg Forsyning, and Yves Stauffer from Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM), shredded light on various aspects of energy services and efficient heat generation.

Each session ended in a lively podium discussion moderated by the domOS Technical Manager, Matija Arh, facilitating an exchange of ideas and questions between the speakers and the audience.

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Final domOS video

domOS Feb 8 Event_FINAL SLIDES.pdf

English (10.4 MB - PDF)