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White paper on active modules systems for building enevelope


White paper on active modules systems for building enevelope

This white paper provides an in-depth analysis of active module systems for building envelope, focusing on their development, challenges, and potential targets for future implementation. The paper examines the current landscape of active modules, reviews best practice projects from 2018 to 2023, and identifies gaps and barriers within the industry.

The paper examines the current landscape of active modules, reviews best practice projects from 2018 to 2023, and identifies gaps and barriers within the industry. By adopting a comprehensive methodology, this study aims to redefine the concept of active modules and propose strategies for their advancement in the construction sector.

The analysis of active module projects over the past six years reveals significant advancements in design, manufacturing, and testing capabilities. The integration of digital tools and parametric design tools has enhanced the accuracy and flexibility of active facade system design and furthermore, digital fabrication techniques have enabled more precise customisation and cost-effectiveness in manufacturing active modules. Material science advancements have led to the development of lightweight and high-performance materials, offering improved durability, insulation properties, and aesthetic possibilities. Additionally, the integration of sensors, actuators, and control systems has enabled real-time monitoring and adaptive responses to changing environmental conditions.

Despite these advancements, several challenges and barriers exist in the widespread adoption of active modules. Decision-making complexity in multi-criteria analysis, integration with existing building systems, technological maturity and reliability, cost and economic viability, standardisation and quality frameworks, regulatory and permitting challenges, maintenance and serviceability, and the lack of end-of-life analysis are identified as key challenges. These barriers require collaborative efforts among architects, engineers, manufacturers, regulators, and researchers to overcome.

To address these challenges, the white paper proposes specific targets and actions for the active module sector. This includes further research and development, improved standardisation, cost reduction, performance validation, and the establishment of clear guidelines and regulations. The document emphasises the importance of collaboration between stakeholders to drive innovation and ensure the long-term performance and reliability of active module systems.

In conclusion, while active module systems have made significant progress in recent years, there is still work to be done to fully realise their potential in the construction industry. This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, identifies gaps and barriers, and outlines specific targets and actions for advancing active module systems. By addressing these challenges and fostering collaboration, the industry can promote sustainability, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort in building design and construction.


IWG5_Active_Module_white_paper_v1 (1).pdf

English (408.64 KB - PDF)
Pracucci, A., Dugué, A., Richet, N., Abdullah, T., Başer, E., Caneva, S., Deneyer, A., Dias, P., Diygu, C.,Fakhari, M., Földváry-Bándy, E., Founti, M., Grynning, S., Madsen, H., Marambio, C., Posset, U., Rama, B., &Graziano, S
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