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Addressing energy poverty in hot climates

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European Countries

Addressing energy poverty in hot climates

The main body of literature focuses on energy poverty related to cold climates, whereas there is an urgency to also pay attention to hot climates.
Editorial Team

The literature on energy poverty predominantly focuses on coping strategies for cold climates, neglecting challenges related to heat. Factors such as building conditions, urban heat, and socio-economic status contribute to increased energy poverty in summer, particularly in the Mediterranean region. Climate change exacerbates extreme weather events like heatwaves, impacting public health, especially in urban areas due to the Urban Heat Island effect. 

Broadening the discourse on energy poverty to include summer dynamics is crucial for targeted policy development. Recent initiatives like the European Commission's recommendations and projects like Cooltorise aim to address summer energy poverty through awareness-raising and policy implementation.

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DG ENER - European Commission
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
Indoor Environmental Quality