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List of projects (4)

The aim of QUALERGY2020 is to provide necessary information on the actual workforce needs considering the 20-20-20-goals (numbers and specific qualifications) in the Building Sector in Germany. Thereby the focus is laid on the ‘on-site/blue collar workers’ (construction workers, craftsmen and installers). Therefore, the Status-Quo-Analysis will deliver in a first step quantitative and qualitative information of the existing workforce and the qualification bundles in 2020 (also quantitative and qualitative). On this basis a gap-analysis will show diferences between the existing and the needed workforce and qualification programs. This information is used for specific recommendations on how to build up the needed workforce, which are discussed with all relevant stakeholders. The discussion process shall result in a national qualification roadmap for Germany with suggestions for new or modified qualification courses and sufficient workforce supply.

QUALITRAIN aims to develop and implement large-scale qualification and training schemes as well as accompanying measures which ensure a sustainable system of lifelong qualification of blue-collar-workers in the building sector

Establishing future-oriented training and qualification quality standards for fostering a broad uptake of sustainable energy skills in the European construction sector. 

01 May 2020 - 01 October 2022