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Contributions in this theme (460)
Contractors and housebuilders can position themselves for future success by staying informed about sustainable construction materials trends and their impact on operations.
La strada italiana per il raggiungimento della neutralità climatica degli edifici, non solo durante la fase d’utilizzo ma lungo l’intero ciclo di vita. Presentate possibili strategie e strumenti in un report basato su quanto già fatto in altri paesi europei.
In BUILD UP we want that everyone feels involved. That is what the Topic of the Month is for, so all the community can contribute with articles, events and much more under the same topic. This month, the ToM is "Circular construction for a sustainable building sector".
This publication outlines EU efforts to encourage local and regional authorities to foster a circular and sustainable building sector, featuring innovative policies and successful practices for broader adoption.
Showing 20 of 460 contributions